The following are the core values that will guide the operations of CONGOMA


Social Justice and Equity

We will work with other NGOs to promote equality, dignity and more just society, especially with regard to the poor and marginalised.


Gender and diversity

We recognise the need for our work to reflect and promote respect for gender and diversity issues



We must ensure that we strive for and safeguard the rights to existence and independence of NGOs at all times.



We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of ethical behaviour and responsibility for our actions, while maintaining integrity in our performance and advocating for same in public institutions.


Collective action and solidarity

We strive for joint action and cooperation whenever justified by our mission, and stand with and by other NGOs and CSOs when they are faced with challenges in their work.


Unity in diversity

We believe in and celebrate diversity in the NGO sector but will strive to achieve unity amongst NGOs and with other like-minded actors.



As NGOs we strive and work towards sustainable development outcomes within the NGO sector.


Work with Government without fear to criticize

CONGOMA was born to broker peace and foster coordination between Government and NGOs. CONGOMA strives to live up to this genesis by constantly opening the doors of Government for partnership while offering constructive criticism.