This is the core function of CONGOMA which develops and supports a machinery of structures, instruments, products and systems that help members learn from one another, develop linkages and networks, agree and stand on a common ground of argument, reduce or avoid duplication of investment among others.

Project Areas

Civil Society Sector Technical Forum

The 2013-2015 CONGOMA Strategic Plan highlights sector coordination as one of the top priorities. This priority augurs well with the new mission for CONGOMA which is to be a platform for sharing resources, experiences and skills for effective engagement on development issues. This Strategic Plan was approved by the General Assembly of CONGOMA of 4-5 October 2012 at Lilongwe Hotel. The forum has since been approved by the Governing Council of CONGOMA.

The purpose of the forum is to establish a sector technical arm of CONGOMA in order to harness the sector energies, skills and experiences into an all CSO sector inclusive service to the people by championing pro-poor national development agenda and outcomes in Malawi.

The forum will play some of the following functions:

  • Receive and debate private (NGO/CSO) and public sector policy impact reports and plans and recommend issues that require public policy changes or reforms
  • Monitor the delivery of public services using the newly launched public Service Charters by Government.
  • Conduct outreach and mobilization campaigns on sector issues that are working well or need reforms.
  • Draft or cause to be drafted a national state of the sectors report from the perspective of Civil Society
  • Present the state of the Sectors Report to Parliament and Parliamentary Committees and the Executive arm of Government prior to any national budget session to influence budget outcomes.

NGOs and The Fight Against Corruption

CONGOMA is a member of the Presidential National Integrity Committee which is charged with the task of coordinating and reporting to the President on the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS). CONGOMA coordinates the entire Civil Society in Malawi on this issue. In this regard CONGOMA has built alliances in 11 of the 28 CSO District networks across the country and is continuing to build more with a national platform of CSOs against corruption to be constituted soon.

NGOs/CSOs and National Dialogue

CONGOMA is coordinating the engagement between Civil Society and Government on the outcomes of the negotiations on the Civil Society petition of 20 July 2011. The presentation of this petition through nationwide demonstrations by civil Society under the banner of Human Rights Consultative Committee was succeeded by violence and looting of property leaving 20 people dead in the process. The post-petition presentation phase saw CSOs and Government engaged in negotiations and agreed on actions points to be implemented to resolve the social development and economic and political governance issues. A report of negotiations and agreed actions points between the two parties is available and is the basis of this coordination by CONGOMA.